Hello from Legendary Fitness!

        …transforming your goals into legendary results.


What is the point of exercise and healthy eating? Ultimately, the answer is happiness.  Happiness in achieving hard-fought goals, happiness with our physique, happiness with reduced health risks and happiness in terms of the inner peace acquired through the process of discipline and the resulting element of control. 


To read more about happiness, exercise and the element of control, check out our latest Bodybuilding for Baby Boomers article, Happy Training  on Bodybuilding.com.




Baby Boomer Quick Tips and Facts

Interested in learning more about healthy nutrition?    Check out the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health website for easy to understand information on nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. 



Heritage acts?  Newsweek magazine reports that the biggest concert draws are the baby boomer bands.  Mick Jagger, Simon and Garfunkel, the Eagles, Cher, Aerosmith, David Bowie, Willie Nelson, Fleetwood Mac and Sammy Hagar were just a few baby boomer performers that are busy on the concert circuit.  Many changes are seen on the road these days with sex and drugs of prior decades replaced by yoga, pilates, soy food products and gym workouts.

Newsweek.  August 2, 2004


Best city for fitness.  Boston was voted one of America’s best walking cities due to a series of parks and walking trails that connect various parts of the city.  Boston has the second highest concentration of gyms in the US79% of the city’s residents reported exercising within the last month.

Arthritis Today.  July 2004


Top ten leading cause of death includes medical errors according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  If listed, medical errors would be listed as number six.

www.MSNBC.com    July 2004.


The Healthier Food Guide Pyramid was the discussion at a recent forum sponsored by Brigham and Women’s Hospital.  Food pyramid revisions need to include critical differences in the effects that various types of dietary fat have on disease risk and distinguishing whole-grain carbohydrates from refined grains and sugars.  Additional emphasis on including nuts, fish and soy was also recommended.  To read more on this issue go to the Harvard Public Health website.




Train hard, train smart and make it a legendary week!

Richard and Diane








2004©LegendaryFitness, LLC

Diane Fields, Member.  Legendary Fitness, LLC

Richard Baldwin, Member.  Legendary Physique, LLC