Hello from Legendary Fitness!

        …transforming your goals into legendary results.



We receive many emails from readers who used to be physically fit when they were young, but now having reached their 40s or 50s have found themselves woefully overweight and out of shape.  High levels of physical fitness of decades ago were achieved through the daily routine of exercise. In fact, exercise in youth was considered a lifestyle habit.


Unfortunately, for many of our baby boomer readers, some circumstances such as an injury eliminated the good habit of exercise.  Now, concerned about health as well as appearance (they finally took a good look in the mirror and didn’t like what they saw), these baby boomers seek out our advice.


To learn more about getting in the habit of exercise, check out our latest Bodybuilding for Baby Boomers article, “Back in the Saddle,” on Bodybuilding.com.





Baby Boomer Quick Tips and Facts

Is obesity contagious?  A new, yet highly controversial theory about obesity is linking the Ad36, adenovirus to obesity.  Dr. Richard Atkinson, emeritus professor of medicine and nutrition at the University of Wisconsin conducted studies on animals and humans that reveals body fat increased 50-100% in the virus group while nutritional intake was constant for both the control and the variable group.  Atkinson states, “The virus seems to change body composition, so there is an increased percentage of fat.” 

WebMD.  August 5, 2004


Understanding the difference between “low fat” and “reduced fat.”  60% of consumers check the labels before making a purchase, but do we understand the nutritional labels?  Here’s a quick guide.




Less that 0.5g fat per serving

Low saturated fat

1g or less per serving

Low fat

3g or less per serving

Reduced fat

At least 25% less fat than regular version

Light in fat

Half the fat (or less) of regular version



Hormone therapy and breast cancer.  The latest research shows a link between an increased risk of breast cancer and menopause hormone therapy.  Increased risks of 26% after 5 years of use were evidenced in women 50-79 years of age in the NIH Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) trial. 

Menopause Flashes Newsletter.  www.regardinghealth.com


Low glycemic index diet is helpful with type 2 diabetes.  Low glycemic index foods such as lentils, chickpeas and pumpernickel when compared to high GI food such as potatoes can improve glycemic control and LDL cholesterol levels in baby boomer aged men.



Benefits of vitamin D.  In addition to lowering risk of some cancers, multiple sclerosis and arthritis, vitamin D may also relieve depression.  11 million Americans are affected by SAD, seasonal affective disorder.  Vitamin D supplementation creates stores of this vitamin in the bloodstream which carries people through the winter months where the lack of sunlight worsens mood disorders. 

WebMd.  August 2, 2004




Train hard, train smart and make it a legendary week!

Richard and Diane








2004©LegendaryFitness, LLC

Diane Fields, Member.  Legendary Fitness, LLC

Richard Baldwin, Member.  Legendary Physique, LLC